Heather Barker's Birth Story


My baby was born at home in 4 hours thanks to The Gentle Birth Method. I walked round the garden and even managed to prick out some lettuces in the greenhouse until I was 9cm dilated and then came into the setting room and pushed Oscar out in 4 pushes in a birth pool. I did not tear or even have a stretch mark! I was helping my husband to cook supper 2 hours later.

My midwife (the senior midwife at Dorchester hospital) was amazed and wrote me a lovely letter saying how it had restored her belief in natural home birth and what a lovely experience it had been for her to help bring a healthy, drug free baby into the world. I hate hospitals and was very nervous when I found out that I was pregnant. Reading Dr Motha's book gave me control over the birth and took the fear away allowing me to concentrate on the end goal, my beautiful, wonderful little gift from God!


Why So Scared?


Wanda's Birth Story