Below is an article focused on fertility. To make it easier for you to navigate, we've divided the content into various sections. Feel free to explore these sections for a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Is stress linked to infertility?

Virginia Hampton, 

The Daily Telegraph, 11 July 1989

Is stress linked to infertility?


The article discusses the potential link between stress and infertility, focusing on the emotional toll of infertility treatments like IVF. Dr. Gowri Motha, an alternative obstetrics specialist, has developed a "stress management" course at a new fertility clinic in Essex, combining therapies such as reflexology and self-hypnosis. Although some experts, like Prof. Robert Winston, argue that there's no solid evidence linking stress to infertility, anecdotal reports suggest stress might impact fertility. Dr. Motha's approach aims to address this by offering a holistic method to improve IVF outcomes, filling a gap in current fertility treatment services.

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A fertile approach to relaxation

Christine Webb, 

The Times, 26 June 1989

A fertile approach to relaxation


The article explores the potential link between stress and infertility, highlighting concerns that the anxiety associated with fertility treatments could hinder conception. Michael Ah-Moye, the medical director of a new fertility clinic in Essex, suggests that stress may disrupt the hormonal processes necessary for conception. He points to anecdotal cases where couples conceived naturally after ceasing treatment, possibly due to reduced stress.

The clinic will offer a four-week stress management course led by Dr. Gowri Motha, using complementary therapies like reflexology, aromatherapy, and self-hypnosis. While some experts remain skeptical about the effectiveness of stress management on fertility, Ah-Moye believes it could enhance success rates for treatments like IVF and GIFT. A study will compare pregnancy rates between those who take the course and those who don't, with the goal of alleviating stress and improving outcomes for couples undergoing fertility treatments.

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Self Hypnosis

