Below is a selection of media coverage related to fertility, pregnancy, and post-birth care. To help you navigate the content more easily, we have organized the articles into various sections. Feel free to browse through these sections for a comprehensive overview of the topics covered.
How to have a better birth
by Zest's Lyndsey Heffernan,
April 2013
How to have a better birth
The article provides insights from Dr. Gowri Motha, founder of the Gentle Birth Method, on how pregnant women can prepare for a more manageable and positive childbirth experience. Dr. Motha emphasizes the importance of gentle exercises like micro yoga movements and daily walking, advising against strenuous workouts. She also recommends a gluten-free, sugar-free diet to avoid complications during birth.
Dr. Motha advises women to focus on specific labor positions, such as being on all fours, squatting, or using a birthing stool, and advocates for water births due to their benefits in easing labor. She offers practical tips for packing a hospital bag, including comfort items like cashmere socks and nourishing foods. Additionally, she highlights the importance of a supportive birth partner and the need for immediate skin-to-skin contact with the newborn to foster bonding.
The Gentle Birth Expert Dr Gowri Motha
Junior Pregnancy and Baby,
September 2005
The Gentle Birth Expert Dr Gowri Motha
In the September 2005 issue of Junior Pregnancy and Baby, Dr. Gowri Motha advises pregnant women to cut out wheat and sugar, especially in the final weeks, to ensure a smooth birth. She encourages portion control and following her Gentle Birth Method, which has helped many women worldwide. Dr. Motha, who was inspired to improve childbirth practices after witnessing a clinical birth in India, dedicates her work to making birth a natural and beautiful experience.
Looking to the future, Dr. Motha sees the integration of traditional and complementary therapies in healthcare, with midwives and doctors trained in treatments like reflexology and hypnotherapy. She envisions innovative birthing practices, including healing centers and interactions with dolphins, which could revolutionize childbirth.
Dr Gowri Motha answers your questions
Junior Pregnancy and Baby
July 2005
Dr Gowri Motha answers your questions
Dr. Gowri Motha, an obstetrician and author of the Gentle Birth Method, shares her insights on pregnancy and birth in this interview. Drawing from her research, which led to the development of the Jeyarani Way Gentle Birth Method, Dr. Motha advises pregnant women on various topics, including how to prevent water retention through stress management, diet adjustments, and regular exercise. She emphasizes the importance of cutting out wheat and sugar to avoid complications and suggests incorporating reflexology and yoga into daily routines.
For those facing scheduled Caesarean sections, Dr. Motha offers advice on maintaining a positive birth experience through visualization techniques and mental preparation. She reassures mothers that even in medical interventions, the preparation for birth greatly influences both the baby’s temperament and the mother’s satisfaction. She also guides partners on how to support anxious mothers, highlighting the role of relaxation and understanding the birthing process. Dr. Motha’s holistic approach integrates physical, mental, and emotional preparation to ensure a gentle and fulfilling birth experience.
Motha Knows Best - Pregnancy guru Dr Gowri Motha makes tough – some would say tyrannical-demands on the mothers-to-be
Samantha Conti, W Magazine (USA),
April 2005
Motha Knows Best - Pregnancy guru Dr Gowri Motha makes tough – some would say tyrannical-demands on the mothers-to-be
Dr. Gowri Motha, London’s leading natural-birth expert and creator of the Jeyarani Way, advocates for a transformative approach to childbirth. Motha's holistic method emphasizes a strict no-wheat, no-sugar diet, daily yoga, and minimal weight gain to prepare mothers for a smoother delivery. Her techniques, which integrate exercise, diet, and mental training, aim to make labor easier, envisioning a future where childbirth could be "breathed out" rather than endured.
Despite her demanding regimen, Motha’s approach has garnered praise from high-profile clients like Gwyneth Paltrow and Elle Macpherson, who credit her methods with enhancing their birth experiences. Motha’s journey from conventional ob-gyn to holistic pioneer reflects her commitment to improving childbirth, though she remains controversial for her stringent recommendations and the lack of personal maternal experience. Her future plans include expanding her practice to New York City, potentially influencing a broader audience with her innovative techniques.
Birth of a Revolution
Amreeta Buxani, Rave (USA)
January – February 2005
Birth of a Revolution
Dr. Gowri Motha, renowned for her Gentle Birth Method, offers a holistic approach to childbirth at her Viveka clinic in North London. Her method, known as the Jeyarani Way, emphasizes a drug-free, trauma-free birth through rigorous preparation, including a no-wheat, no-sugar diet and a blend of global therapies such as Ayurveda, yoga, and reflexology. This approach not only aims for a smoother birth but also promotes overall maternal health, helping women recover quickly from elective C-sections and stay energetic throughout their pregnancy.
Dr. Motha underscores the importance of both partners' involvement in the birthing process, advocating for mutual support and preparation. Her method has gained international attention, with plans to expand globally. Despite her demanding regimen, Motha’s approach is appreciated by high-profile clients like Gwyneth Paltrow and Elle Macpherson, reflecting its broad appeal and effectiveness.