Astrid Camprubí 's Birth Story


Seven years ago when I was expecting my first boy, a good friend recommended me a "magical" book The Gentle Birth Method Book. Thanks God I followed her advise, I ordered the book by Internet and I followed all exercises from week 20. From Spain it is hard to follow some proposals due to lack of practitioners or believers of this kind of methods.

Moreover, it is impossible to find herbal tea, perineal oil or some basic ingredients of the diet. Despite all of this I deeply believed in your method and I managed my labor moment as I always dream. I had a nice and comfortable expecting period without any setback. I broke my waters at 5.30 am so I had to go to the hospital. Once I arrived the doctor told me to be prepared for a cesarean, she didn't felt I was able to do it. My waters were broken but I wasn't suffering any contraction. I asked for a calm room, some space to practice my exercises and I asked the doctor how much time I had to reach how many centimeters dilatation. She answered "in less than 4 hours you should bé 7cm at least". I was completely convinced it was possible. After 4 hours of meditations exercises, of talking with my baby and so on I reached the goal and they started believing me. They decided to give me more time without giving me any medical help (oxcitocine, drugs) So after 8 hours Noah was born. It took me just 20 min of pushing and it was completely natural and gentle. After this amazing experience I bought this book for all my friends and started recommending to use this method. I encourage my friends to bet for a natural and gentle birth. Thank you very much for your time and your incredible experience. Step by step we all together hopefully will change the praxis of some health care institutions of european countries inspired by you.

Astrid Camprubi Hernández



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