Gabby's Birth Story
This story tells how “The Jeyarani Way” treatments helped during pregnancy. It also shows the effectiveness of the Self-hypnosis and Visualisation audiotape and how it can help during labour. Gabby felt empowered by the birth experience.My last couple of months of pregnancy were enjoyed and spent looking forward to my weekly sessions of pampering for both me and bump. As expected "Maisy Massey Ritchie" arrived a week late, but when she came she rushed quickly into the world... Contractions came as the text book explained and off we trotted to UCH, only to be disappointingly told I was only 1cm and that I would probably not give birth till the following evening... I hooked myself up to Gowri's tape (Self-hypnosis and Visualisation audiotape) on my Walkman and 1 bath, 3 hours later, Maisy was ready to "pop" out. My waters broke at about 12.30 and Maisy arrived about 3.30 – 28th August.Paul would say that my weekly Reflexology/ Creative Healing made me a nicer heavily pregnant person to live with and we would both agree that it made Maisy’s birth exciting and reasonably enjoyable and quick!!Thank you for all your wise and calming advice – I was surprised at my own body and felt empowered by the whole experience.I am recommending you to anyone who will listen.MORE STORIES