Remedies for swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy

Ankle swellings in pregnancy could mean several things!

  • Rest! put your feet up for at least half an hour every 3 to 4 hours and perform ankle rotation exercises when you are at rest.

  • Crossing legs while siting compresses blood vessels and also increases fluid retention in the lower extremities

  • Hot weather that causes your ankles to swell up and poor lymphatic circulation.

  • If you can bear it you could wear support tights that you put on in the morning and wear all day for at least 8 hours.

  • Opt for fresh foods and remove the salt shaker from the table.

  • Drink plenty of fluids at least 8 -10 glasses of water a day

  • Keep caffeine intake to minimum may also help

  • Its important to balance rest with some physical activity to keep fluid moving,30 - 45 minutes walk every day will do wonders

Of course! in extreme cases ankle swellings can indicate a more serious condition in pregnancy that needs you to get a urine test from your midwife or doctor who will check to see if you are loosing protein in your urine.In this case you will need to be monitored by your GP or Obstetrician.


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