Ralph’s Birth Story

Baby Ralph was born at the birth centre in Cambridge on 8 October at 38 weeks +5 days. He was 3.4kg but by day 5 he had already exceeded his birth weight! 

 Debbie attended the birth which was an unassisted vaginal birth with no painkillers and physiological third stage delivery of the placenta. He came about an hour after we arrived at the birth centre. There was a moment when we thought we would have to deliver him in the back of the car but luckily we made it!

 I had a small tear but very little blood loss.

 Thanks so much for all your help and for all the oils etc. Which I’m sure helped to turn him head down, promote labour and make it possible for me to have the natural birth that I always wanted.

 The birth really was perfect and I can look back at it as my new ‘safe/happy place’. I love just relaxing and reliving the whole experience! 


Dragon’s Birth Story


Rebecca’s Pregnancy Story