Pregnancy Yoga with Micro Movements for Pelvic Release

Classes designed by Dr Francoise Freedman, founder of Birthlight Yoga.

Classes taught by Ingrid Lewis.

Class detail -

Francoise is a highly respected practitioner, author of many pregnancy yoga books and researcher and brings a valued insight to the physical changes a woman can make to become birth fit. Developed through years of adapting classic yoga to pregnancy and birth, the micro-movements are a totally original way to work with pelvic muscle awareness, gently and easily through deep breathing.

These movements release the pelvic ligaments for optimal fetal position and to help engage the baby’s head. By repetition these movements help women connect with the natural expansion needed to experience birth more easily. There is the opportunity for individual attention and supervision to assist in the musculo-skeletal changes. Micro movements can become your daily routine and will provide you with skills for the birthing day. The classes are for women only.

When should I start? Any time after 14 weeks of gestation

Locations: Currently online on Zoom

Time: Wednesday 6pm - 7.30pm

Price: £15 per class. Discount for block bookings: £80 for 6 weeks or £120 for 10 week sign up

  • These weekly classes are included in the cost of the 4-week GBM Hypnobirth ‘The Gowri Way’ classes. (from 20 weeks of pregnancy until birth). Only book these classes separately if you are not signed up to the GBM Hypnobirth ‘The Gowri Way’ classes or would like to start your Pregnancy Yoga earlier than 20 weeks.