Frederick’s birth Story

Dear Gowri and Marina

Thank you for your support in preparing for our first birth. We delivered Frederick on Friday (one day before his scheduled induction at 41 weeks). It was a very quick and straightforward water birth, just as envisioned.

We arrived at Newham to get COVID tests in preparation for induction the next day, and en route, my contractions escalated. We entered registration for COVID tests at 1 PM, and Freddie was born at 4:55

The hypnobirthing exercises, epino, yoga, dates, raspberry leaf tea, and last Saturday's treatment were all beautifully brought together to prep me for a textbook water birth. Using only a bit of gas and air, I experienced just a small first-degree tear and a slight graze. The midwives told me it was very rare to see such a straightforward water birth go so according to plan.


Alexia’s Pregnancy Story


A Generational Gentle Birth Story