Our Birth Stories
Delve into our collection of birth stories, each one unique and deeply personal. These narratives offer a glimpse into the profound experiences of different families. Take a moment to explore these tales of joy, challenge, and the miraculous moments that accompany the journey of bringing new life into the world.
Remedies for swollen feet and ankles during pregnancy
Benefits of Self-Hypnosis and Visualisation
Top tips for managing morning sickness
Too Much Information?
Spiritual Birthing
Pregnant at Christmas - my top tips
Water all the way!
Motha the Mother
Gowri's favourite things

Sofia Bernardin's Birth Experience from Paris
My son is incredibly zen and calm, reflecting how I feel as a mother and I would like to thank you immensely for this experience.
Ten top tips for a Gentle Birth experience
Why So Scared?

Heather Barker's Birth Story
Reading Dr Motha's book gave me control over the birth and took the fear away allowing me to concentrate on the end goal, my beautiful, wonderful little gift from God!

Wanda's Birth Story
Nothing was traumatic and as a result I'm feeling very relaxed and we've got a very relaxed baby.

Sally Murray's Birth Story
I seemed to go to 'another' place once I had started the contractions back at home and it continued to be that way the whole way through the labour.

Rosemary Borthick's Birth Story
The birth went pretty much as I had visualised.I had such a positive experience that I am planning my second baby in a few years..

Claire Middleton's Birth Story
Suddenly my waters broke and I was laughing my head off!

Rosie Bray's Birth Story

Uma's Birth Story