Birth Support
Home Birth Midwives
Birth Support Service
The birth attendance service is available to Gentle Birth mothers who attend our clinic and classes. Our practitioners can be booked in advance to attend and look after you during birth at home or in hospital.
Our birth support begins with your labour. When we receive your phone call informing us that labour has commenced our practitioner will be with you within an hour and then help you to relax and establish your labour contractions. This is achieved by a combination of hands-on reflexology, creative healing massage techniques, homeopathic remedies and visualisation techniques. We help you to manage contractions with mental and emotional support and to focus on visualising your cervix and pelvis opening efficiently. We also help you to breathe naturally and effectively through the surges. If you need medical intervention we will stay with you and support you till your baby is skin to skin with you on your breast and you and your baby are comfortable and happy.
Gentle Birth practitioners: £2500
£1250 deposit to confirm booking (non-refundable) with balance of £1250 payable at week 38 when your birth assistant goes on-call. This fee applies to a maximum of 12 hours of hands-on birth support.
Additional hours are charged at £50 an hour for GBM practitioners and £100 an hour if a GBM doctor.
Home Birth Midwives
Debbie Linger is a midwife who has personally worked with Gowri for many years as a Gentle Birth Method practitioner. Gowri regards her as one of her closest colleagues. Debbie is able to offer specialised insight into birth preparation. Debbie and her colleague Rebecca have worked together closely as midwives supporting many joyous home births.
For more information on packages and services please contact Debbie Linger directly at Forest Midwives