Prepare for a Natural Birth [GBM Hypnobirth 'The Gowri Way'] MP3 Download



Note: This is now called the Gentle Birth Method Hypnobirth ‘The Gowri Way’ not ‘The Jeyarani Way’ but you still get the benefits regardless of the name!

This is Dr Gowri Motha’s very first recording, which has guided many mothers through pregnancy and birth. It has acted like a beacon of light to keep the mother focused on essential visualisations that prepare her body for birth. You can purchase this on its own or as part of our Getting Started Audio Album.

Track 1: Introduction to method. The rationale for the method is explained plus this side includes a general physical relaxation method

Track 2: Visualisation plus Birth Rehearsal. This side gives the mother a powerful guided visualisation of her uterus and cervix and all the changes which occur within the mother's body to adapt for pregnancy and prepare for Birth.

The Birth Rehearsal is a special mental pre-programming that prepares the mother subconsciously to easily accept and float through the various stages of birthing. The Birth Rehearsal also works directly on the mind-body connection and the mental pre-programming helps the body to function in a manner which is expected.

The deeper the mother goes into self-hypnosis - the more effective the mind-body link.

Some Quotes and Reviews

“I was fortunate (to have) the Self-hypnosis tape in the final stages of my pregnancy. I had a wonderful labour - contractions that I was able to manage (I even slept between them when they were a minute apart - right up to transition) and only 10 minutes of pushing. All in all the labour that I had told myself that I would have. So thank you for making such an amazing tape!”

Angela Lane London

“Thank you for your excellent tape. I listened to your tape daily throughout the third stage of pregnancy. It had a very powerful calming effect on me and as I focused on the growing baby within me I developed a close relationship before birth with my daughter. She definitely benefited from these special times together in the last 3 months. She was noticeably calm at birth and extremely alert even from her first moments and she has been a calm relaxed and centred baby from the start very happy and at peace with the world.

The labour was a very special experience and I actually enjoyed the second stage which went similarly to on the tape. I feel that the tape helped primarily to build a very strong bond between myself and Abby which has existed from the start and for her growth and development into the beautiful calm special baby she is.

Beverley Nickolls

The feedback received from those who have used Dr. Motha’s self-hypnosis and visualisation tapes has proved these tapes to be a wonderful help in preparing and relaxing the expectant mother and in helping to calm babies.

Jane Ingrey Founder of Splashdown Waterbirthing Services

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Note: This is now called the Gentle Birth Method Hypnobirth ‘The Gowri Way’ not ‘The Jeyarani Way’ but you still get the benefits regardless of the name!

This is Dr Gowri Motha’s very first recording, which has guided many mothers through pregnancy and birth. It has acted like a beacon of light to keep the mother focused on essential visualisations that prepare her body for birth. You can purchase this on its own or as part of our Getting Started Audio Album.

Track 1: Introduction to method. The rationale for the method is explained plus this side includes a general physical relaxation method

Track 2: Visualisation plus Birth Rehearsal. This side gives the mother a powerful guided visualisation of her uterus and cervix and all the changes which occur within the mother's body to adapt for pregnancy and prepare for Birth.

The Birth Rehearsal is a special mental pre-programming that prepares the mother subconsciously to easily accept and float through the various stages of birthing. The Birth Rehearsal also works directly on the mind-body connection and the mental pre-programming helps the body to function in a manner which is expected.

The deeper the mother goes into self-hypnosis - the more effective the mind-body link.

Some Quotes and Reviews

“I was fortunate (to have) the Self-hypnosis tape in the final stages of my pregnancy. I had a wonderful labour - contractions that I was able to manage (I even slept between them when they were a minute apart - right up to transition) and only 10 minutes of pushing. All in all the labour that I had told myself that I would have. So thank you for making such an amazing tape!”

Angela Lane London

“Thank you for your excellent tape. I listened to your tape daily throughout the third stage of pregnancy. It had a very powerful calming effect on me and as I focused on the growing baby within me I developed a close relationship before birth with my daughter. She definitely benefited from these special times together in the last 3 months. She was noticeably calm at birth and extremely alert even from her first moments and she has been a calm relaxed and centred baby from the start very happy and at peace with the world.

The labour was a very special experience and I actually enjoyed the second stage which went similarly to on the tape. I feel that the tape helped primarily to build a very strong bond between myself and Abby which has existed from the start and for her growth and development into the beautiful calm special baby she is.

Beverley Nickolls

The feedback received from those who have used Dr. Motha’s self-hypnosis and visualisation tapes has proved these tapes to be a wonderful help in preparing and relaxing the expectant mother and in helping to calm babies.

Jane Ingrey Founder of Splashdown Waterbirthing Services


Note: This is now called the Gentle Birth Method Hypnobirth ‘The Gowri Way’ not ‘The Jeyarani Way’ but you still get the benefits regardless of the name!

This is Dr Gowri Motha’s very first recording, which has guided many mothers through pregnancy and birth. It has acted like a beacon of light to keep the mother focused on essential visualisations that prepare her body for birth. You can purchase this on its own or as part of our Getting Started Audio Album.

Track 1: Introduction to method. The rationale for the method is explained plus this side includes a general physical relaxation method

Track 2: Visualisation plus Birth Rehearsal. This side gives the mother a powerful guided visualisation of her uterus and cervix and all the changes which occur within the mother's body to adapt for pregnancy and prepare for Birth.

The Birth Rehearsal is a special mental pre-programming that prepares the mother subconsciously to easily accept and float through the various stages of birthing. The Birth Rehearsal also works directly on the mind-body connection and the mental pre-programming helps the body to function in a manner which is expected.

The deeper the mother goes into self-hypnosis - the more effective the mind-body link.

Some Quotes and Reviews

“I was fortunate (to have) the Self-hypnosis tape in the final stages of my pregnancy. I had a wonderful labour - contractions that I was able to manage (I even slept between them when they were a minute apart - right up to transition) and only 10 minutes of pushing. All in all the labour that I had told myself that I would have. So thank you for making such an amazing tape!”

Angela Lane London

“Thank you for your excellent tape. I listened to your tape daily throughout the third stage of pregnancy. It had a very powerful calming effect on me and as I focused on the growing baby within me I developed a close relationship before birth with my daughter. She definitely benefited from these special times together in the last 3 months. She was noticeably calm at birth and extremely alert even from her first moments and she has been a calm relaxed and centred baby from the start very happy and at peace with the world.

The labour was a very special experience and I actually enjoyed the second stage which went similarly to on the tape. I feel that the tape helped primarily to build a very strong bond between myself and Abby which has existed from the start and for her growth and development into the beautiful calm special baby she is.

Beverley Nickolls

The feedback received from those who have used Dr. Motha’s self-hypnosis and visualisation tapes has proved these tapes to be a wonderful help in preparing and relaxing the expectant mother and in helping to calm babies.

Jane Ingrey Founder of Splashdown Waterbirthing Services

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GBM Hypnobirth ‘The Gowri Way' 4 week LIVE visualisation course with weekly yoga classes until birth
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