Prepare, Labour and Toning-Up After Birth - MP3 Download


Note: This is now called the Gentle Birth Method Hypnobirth ‘The Gowri Way’ not ‘The Jeyarani Way’ but the benefits are still there!

  1. Prepare for a natural birth Self-hypnosis and Visualisation MP3

Introduction to method. The rationale for the method is explained plus this side includes a general physical relaxation method

Visualisation plus Birth Rehearsal. This side gives the mother a powerful guided visualisation of her uterus and cervix and all the changes which occur within the mother's body to adapt for pregnancy and prepare for Birth.

The Birth Rehearsal is a special mental pre-programming that prepares the mother subconsciously to easily accept and float through the various stages of birthing. The Birth Rehearsal also works directly on the mind-body connection and the mental pre-programming helps the body to function in a manner which is expected.

The deeper the mother goes into self-hypnosis - the more effective the mind-body link.

2. Gentle Birthing Labour MP3

Specific encouraging suggestions are included. This track can be listened to repeatedly from the onset of contractions all along the way through to the full dilation of the cervix. The suggestions help to encourage cervical dilation and descent of the baby's head into the lowest part of the vagina. The suggestions help the mother to manage her contractions and rest deeply between contractions.

3. Toning-Up After Birth MP3

This is a wonderful post-natal tape especially good for the new mother to relax to and to have some special time to herself. A wonderful gift from friends family or even to yourself!

This tape starts with deep relaxation and self-hypnosis. This is followed by a detailed visualisation of all the inner organs of the mother’s body which are encouraged to tone-up after birth. Specific suggestions are included to tighten-up all muscles lose excess weight and for the mother’s body to go back to the pre-pregnant shape size and tone - and even become more beautiful than ever before!

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Note: This is now called the Gentle Birth Method Hypnobirth ‘The Gowri Way’ not ‘The Jeyarani Way’ but the benefits are still there!

  1. Prepare for a natural birth Self-hypnosis and Visualisation MP3

Introduction to method. The rationale for the method is explained plus this side includes a general physical relaxation method

Visualisation plus Birth Rehearsal. This side gives the mother a powerful guided visualisation of her uterus and cervix and all the changes which occur within the mother's body to adapt for pregnancy and prepare for Birth.

The Birth Rehearsal is a special mental pre-programming that prepares the mother subconsciously to easily accept and float through the various stages of birthing. The Birth Rehearsal also works directly on the mind-body connection and the mental pre-programming helps the body to function in a manner which is expected.

The deeper the mother goes into self-hypnosis - the more effective the mind-body link.

2. Gentle Birthing Labour MP3

Specific encouraging suggestions are included. This track can be listened to repeatedly from the onset of contractions all along the way through to the full dilation of the cervix. The suggestions help to encourage cervical dilation and descent of the baby's head into the lowest part of the vagina. The suggestions help the mother to manage her contractions and rest deeply between contractions.

3. Toning-Up After Birth MP3

This is a wonderful post-natal tape especially good for the new mother to relax to and to have some special time to herself. A wonderful gift from friends family or even to yourself!

This tape starts with deep relaxation and self-hypnosis. This is followed by a detailed visualisation of all the inner organs of the mother’s body which are encouraged to tone-up after birth. Specific suggestions are included to tighten-up all muscles lose excess weight and for the mother’s body to go back to the pre-pregnant shape size and tone - and even become more beautiful than ever before!

Note: This is now called the Gentle Birth Method Hypnobirth ‘The Gowri Way’ not ‘The Jeyarani Way’ but the benefits are still there!

  1. Prepare for a natural birth Self-hypnosis and Visualisation MP3

Introduction to method. The rationale for the method is explained plus this side includes a general physical relaxation method

Visualisation plus Birth Rehearsal. This side gives the mother a powerful guided visualisation of her uterus and cervix and all the changes which occur within the mother's body to adapt for pregnancy and prepare for Birth.

The Birth Rehearsal is a special mental pre-programming that prepares the mother subconsciously to easily accept and float through the various stages of birthing. The Birth Rehearsal also works directly on the mind-body connection and the mental pre-programming helps the body to function in a manner which is expected.

The deeper the mother goes into self-hypnosis - the more effective the mind-body link.

2. Gentle Birthing Labour MP3

Specific encouraging suggestions are included. This track can be listened to repeatedly from the onset of contractions all along the way through to the full dilation of the cervix. The suggestions help to encourage cervical dilation and descent of the baby's head into the lowest part of the vagina. The suggestions help the mother to manage her contractions and rest deeply between contractions.

3. Toning-Up After Birth MP3

This is a wonderful post-natal tape especially good for the new mother to relax to and to have some special time to herself. A wonderful gift from friends family or even to yourself!

This tape starts with deep relaxation and self-hypnosis. This is followed by a detailed visualisation of all the inner organs of the mother’s body which are encouraged to tone-up after birth. Specific suggestions are included to tighten-up all muscles lose excess weight and for the mother’s body to go back to the pre-pregnant shape size and tone - and even become more beautiful than ever before!

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